Humoristic, sarcastic, inspiring... Disma land
I've always been a big fan of Banksy. After getting overexcited about Dismaland (dismal and), I was lucky enough to find a ticket and go there! I knew some of the works before I got there, but there were many more fantastic works and details that I have never seen!
Here’s some text from the event’s official brochure:
Are you looking for an alternative to the soulless sugar-coated banality of the average family day out? Or just somewhere cheaper. Then this is the place for you—a chaotic new world where you can escape from mindless escapism. Instead of a burger stall, we have a museum. In place of a gift shop we have a library, well, we have a gift shop as well.
Bring the whole family to come and enjoy the latest addition to our chronic leisure surplus—a bemusement park. A theme park whose big theme is: theme parks should have bigger themes…
This event contains adult themes, distressing imagery, extended use of strobe lighting, smoke effects and swearing. The following items are strictly prohibited: knives, spraycans, illegal drugs, and lawyers from the Walt Disney corporation.
I think it was an amazing combination of artists and works. Many important artists came together as well such as Damien Hirst, Jenny Holzer, Josh Keyes, David Shrigley, Jeff Gillette and many more... I was especially impressed by Syrian refugee boats work (the refugee crisis off the shores of Europe, becomes the subject of the remote controlled motor boats..) a model of a town (After a riot and the only people left are the media and the police. They're just standing around but not really doing anything because whatever has happened has already happened...) Atom bomb cloud, an interactive sculpture of a women being attack by birds (You just go and sit next to her and do nothing about the situation, being reckless..), water cannon creek, etc. all very ironic! Another interesting thing I saw that there was an area that you could find out how to unlock the Adshel posters seen at bus stops. For £5 people can buy the tools to break into them, replacing the official posters with any propaganda they wish or any of their drawings! Another thing you could buy for £5 was a balloon says "i am an imbecile". (Believe it or not, maybe it was the best seller!)
Sadly, I've found this pop up art exhibition full of bitter world realities; Depressing, worrying... That's why it was bold and powerful. Overall, it was a super inspiring, eye-opening experience!
Manifesto on the magazine:
A successful businessman travels to a secluded island for his summer holiday. One afternoon he is strolling across an idyllic golden beach when he sees a cluster of fishing boats pulled up to the shore. In their shade sit a group of fishermen dozing. The businessman then spots a love fisherman sitting on the prow of his boat staring out to sea. He strolls over and engages him in conversation.
'What's going on?' he asks
'I like to just sit and enjoy the view' the fisherman replies
So the businessman asks - 'Instead of sitting here enjoying the view, why don't you take your boat and go out for fishing while these other guys are asleep?'
'Why would I do that?' the fisherman asks.
'Well, I assume you'd catch a lot more fish if you were the only person out there' explains the businessman.
The fisherman nods and asks 'And then what?'
The businessman smiles 'With the money you make from catching more fish you could buy a bigger boat and get some bigger nests - then you'd catch even more fish'.
The fisherman nods 'And then what? he shrugs.
The businessman frowns 'My friend - if you kept working hard and saved and invested every penny you earnt, one day this whole beach could be filled with people working for you. You'd be the most successful fisherman in the whole area. You'd have fleets of boats working day and night - you'd be rich.'
'And then what' asks fisherman.
'Well then' says the businessman 'you could do anything you could just sit here on the beach in the middle of the day and enjoy the view'...